Take 30 one hour walks
Pick up and document objects with photograph, physical description, location and time found
Make one new object from objects found for each walk
Artist will not walk the same street twice.
Exceptions: If artist must walk the same street twice the artist will walk on the opposite side of the street. If a street has four or more traffic lanes the street may be walked twice.
Artist will note street address of object. If the object has no associated street address, artist will note the address as "unmarked" along with the street name. If the object has an associated street address but it is undeterminable, artist will note the address as "unknown" along with the street name.
Objects Collected. 364.
Miles Walked. 46.96.
Take 30 one hour walks
Pick up and document objects with photograph, physical description, location and time found
Make one new object from objects found for each walk
Artist will not walk the same street twice.
Exceptions: If artist must walk the same street twice the artist will walk on the opposite side of the street. If a street has four or more traffic lanes the street may be walked twice.
Artist will note street address of object. If the object has no associated street address, artist will note the address as "unmarked" along with the street name. If the object has an associated street address but it is undeterminable, artist will note the address as "unknown" along with the street name.
Objects Collected. 364.
Miles Walked. 46.96.